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  • Hello Friends.

    This year started off slow a bit in business, but it's getting better as we go on. Events are finally starting to pick up again in the post pandemic world. I've added a few more pieces of gear to my business, including a GoPro which has become a great piece of companion gear. I love editing, and shooting video. I recently was able to shoot handheld video for the Xtreme Queen show in Tulsa. That show will be available on PBS in the near future. I still have open days and times available, and open edit time available to help with your project. e-mail me at for a quote, and project rundown. Here are a couple of photos from a recent project at Turkey Mountain in Tulsa.

  • Goodbye Chester

    Last month, our thirteen year old cat Chester was diagnosed with cancer, and passed away less than a week later. He stopped eating as much as he used to very suddenly. He had fast growing lymphoma in his belly, and it spread to his eye. RIP Little Buddy. 2010-2023.

  • More Gear!

    Since I last posted, I acquired another Canon video camera. Now I am confident in my multi-cam setup setup. I also have shoot a couple of really nice pieces that I am re-purposing for my show, "Good Day Tulsa" as needed. when we are light in content. Here is one of those pieces: I found out the former governor was going to be in town, and since no one from my workplace was going to cover him directing the song "Oklahoma!" at the Will Rogers Auditorium. I wanted to know the story about how "Oklahoma!" became the state song, so I just got the story myself. If you need an expert videographer, editor, event producer, email me at or call at 918-896-7285. I am insured.

  • Things Change

    Since I last posted, I left my old job at RSU-TV, and took the position of the lifestyle executive producer at KTUL. I've been working really hard to gain back viewers that drifted away over the years. I still work at freelance gigs, and direct basketball games too, my schedule is somewhat flexible enough that I can still work events. One of my main goals since coming back to KTUL is bringing back local performances from local artists. I've had several on the show since I came back. Feel free to send me suggestions. Thanks for sticking around! If you need help with any event, let me know.

  • Hearty Hello!

    I hope everyone is staying cool. It's been over 100 several days this summer in Oklahoma. I've spent most of the summer editing the latest season of my music show, "Studio 66" and getting it ready for air this fall. I'll be sure to share once it's ready for air. I also directed a couple of state debates for the station I work for. I have at least one freelance event lined up next month. Hopefully there will be a few more soon. Let me know if you need help with an event. All of our pets are doing well. We are OK as well. By the way, AFT-ID is looking for ukuleles, and acoustic guitars for students. If you happen to have one or the other, let the group know!

  • 4/27/2022 Update

    I have been quite busty since my last post.Not everything I have to share is good. On December 10th, while I was live directing the TCC evening graduation ceremony from the front of house, an EF4 tornado hit my hometown of Mayfield, KY and tore it apart. My friends and family are OK, but the town is still struggling to rebuild. I visited there twenty days after the tornado, and the amount of damage is well beyond what I thought it would be. My host saw my video, and asked me to be a guest on my own show. So, I video directed, TD'd, and answered his questions all at the same time. The non-profit I'm part of, AFT-ID, sent a load of musical instruments to Mayfield to replace those that were lost. In happier news, I've started live directing live in person events. It's a little like directing television, only the cues I'm giving are things happening on stage in front of a live audience. There is someone there directing video for the large I-MAG screens, but I've run the whole show for a couple of events now. One of these was for a Sonic ownership group who had their convention in Norman, OK. Last week, I was hired to direct a multi-day Sonic owners group convention in Albuquerque, NM. It was a lot of long days and hard work, but it turned out to be a great experience. There was a lot of troubleshooting, and technical issues leading up to opening day, but we sorted those out, and the clients and the attendees had a great time. I enjoyed the experience, and I can't wait to do it again!

  • September Update

    I've been keeping myself fairly busy. We are back into production season at the TV station. Our control room has been renovated, and the space is used much more wisely now. I was just the subject of a podcast for a senior student from Murray State University over in Murray, KY. I'll share that when I get the link to it. I hope that I didn't sound too awful. I have also directed a few live events including a couple of dinners, and a virtual meeting. I'm working with Acoustic Freight Train again. I recorded their Riverwalk Rally concert in 4K, and I'm putting those videos on their social media pages. So far the response has been great! I'm not done with all of them yet, I had two other events last week, so I'm posting these as I get to them. If you want to see more from Acoustic Freight Train, check out Acoustic Freight Train on Facebook. There are several more videos there, and several more that will be shared soon. Otherwise, I may be working on a couple of other projects soon if it works out. Fingers crossed, and see you soon!

  • New Opportunities

    Since I last sat down to write, I have acquired a Canon 4K video camera so I can provide even better quality images. I also bought a couple of new microphones and other accessories. I have had the opportunity to do a bit of directing/technical directing for the Tulsa Ballet. That was a fun and exciting evening. I also had a fairly busy time editing for a couple of business franchises, and a video for a statewide university. It seems like the work comes in all at once, and then dies off a bit. Right now, I do have openings in my schedule to accommodate incoming projects. On a side note, I have had my COVID-19 vaccine if you need peace of mind.

  • Growing the Business

    It has been a while since I've dropped in to chat. Things have been busy at work. New equipment, and a remodel are coming there after I'm done recording this season of "Studio 66" in May. So far we've had musical guests such as Jake Flint, and Larkin come in to our studio. Since I'm wanting to grow my video/photography business, I have invested a bit in some new equipment. That should really up my game a lot. I looked at some of my recent projects, and realized it's time to upgrade. I will also share that I have been vaccinated! I had my second shot last Friday. The side effects were not bad. I had some joint pain Friday night and Saturday morning. Sunday was a big day, AFT-ID, our nonprofit, presented Jana Jae with several violins. We had a really nice event over at the Woody Guthrie Center. Thank you to everyone who donated! If you need someone to shoot your event, let me know!

  • What a lousy year!

    I've just had my third COVID scare for this year. My test was negative, but I'm still working from home for a while longer. Jason broke both hands by tripping and falling. He's working from home with both hands in a cast until at least the 14th of next month. No bike riding for us together! Hopefully I can avoid actually getting COVID, but with it everywhere, my luck will probably run out. I've been busy at work. If you want to know what I've been up to, Thanks for stopping by my page for a visit! Things have changed a bit since you were last here. I hope it makes it easier for you to navigate.

  • AFT-ID, what is it?

    I was asked a few months ago to accept the position of Chief Marketing Officer for a new nonprofit called "AFT-ID." AFT-ID stands for Acoustic Freight Train Instrument Donation, Inc. We collect instruments, new or used for children or school systems that don't have access to them. We are also working to help save music programs in schools. You can find out more by visiting, or on Facebook. We have received and distributed drum kits, violins, guitars, etc. We can use your help if you have an instrument laying around you no longer use. Or, if you have a monetary donation, or time, visit the website or Facebook page to help out. Thanks for reading!

  • Almost October!

    I've been pretty busy since the end of July. I started a side project with the band "Acoustic Freight Train." With COVID still keeping things from being normal, they have been making new music. They are worth checking out. They will also be on my music show, "Studio 66" this fall. The new season of that starts October 16th. I'm on the board for a new non-profit, AFT-ID. Once things get into place, I can discuss it a bit more. Basically, the foundation is taking in musical instruments to give to children and who want one, but don't have the means to get one. In closing, I don't want this to be political, but wear your mask when you go out & about. There is no reason to make it political, just wear the darn thing.

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