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  • Sketchy

    I have time for just a quick update today. I've been trying to find a little time to get back into sketching during downtime. It's not always easy to find time. I'm rusty all over again. Hopefully, I get better again. I'll keep working on it. In other news, this season of Perspectives is winding down. Three more shows to air. One more to record. Then, debate season starts for the governor's race in Oklahoma. I've heard that I should also have a music program to direct and produce soon if that all pans out. In personal news, I'll be seeing "Weird Al" again soon! Hopefully there will be photos to share.

  • The Whittlin' Fiddler "Violet Hensley"

    A few weeks ago, I put together a special show that last last Thursday. It's about 101 year old fiddle maker, and player, Violet Hensley. Here is the first segment of the show, an introduction from Sam Jones: Next, watch as Violet kept Sam on his toes during the interview: Last, enjoy Violet and Jana Jae, playing a few songs to round out the show. It's a fun time! I hope you enjoyed the show. I have another special show that I'm going to start on next week that will air as the last show of the season, for season 12 of "Perspectives." #VioletHensley #WhittlinFiddler #JanaJae #NationalFiddlersHallofFame #Fiddler #FiddleMusic

  • Last Night's Perspectives

    Good afternoon! I thought you might be interested in seeing what Sam Jones and I did for the show. It's a gentle reminder to pay attention while you are driving. Thanks for watching, and I hope you learned something. #RunawayTire #RSUTV #PerspectivesWithSamJones #DumpTruck #ScaryDrive #KillerTire

  • I'm not "Emily Spivey"

    After the whole killer tire thing last week, that went a bit viral, I discovered that people are mixing me up with "Emily Spivey" that's also in the television business. I'm not her, and I'm pretty sure that she would not want to be me. If you're looking for me online, I'm "Emily Spivy" not the "Emily Spivey" Google wants me to be. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this interview with KTUL TV. I hope it helps you to be a bit safer on the roadway. #KillerTire #EmilySpivey #EmilySpivy #Television

  • Killer Tire!

    If you need a good scare today, I have just the video for you. As I was driving on Oklahoma Highway 266 WB this morning, I saw something at the very edge of my vision that wasn't a car, and it was moving fast in my general directio n. It was a semi tire! I didn't have much time to react, other than move to the shoulder while the tire was turning, and rolling at full speed toward the dump truck next to me. I caught the impact on my dash cam. KTUL saw my video, called me, so I may be on the news tonight. We'll see! #KillerTire #HWY266 #Oklahoma #Scary

  • A month of 2018.

    So far, 2018 isn't much different than 2017. First, so many people from both sides of the political aisle accusing the other of pushing agendas. I wish I could tell everyone, including my friends, to just knock it off already. There was a school shooting that killed two, and hurt around 20 at Marshall County High School last week. I grew up about 20 miles from there, and attended a rival school district. It's a sad situation. I don't know what I can do to make it better. Everyone sends thoughts and prayers, but it can't fix what happened. A lot of people say bullying was the cause. I don't know, I wasn't there. Speaking of bullying, I'm glad people are saying something now. When I was in school, I was bullied by a large number of people in school. I was odd, so I was an easy target. No one in those days thought it was a big deal. No one stepped in to defend me. I was told to deal with it myself. Plus, I figured since I was weird, I deserved it. To this day, if I had to do it again, I'd do everything I could to not show my silly sense of humor in school, and tried to be more normal. I was called all sorts of vulgar names, excluded from friend groups and conversations. It was a miserable experience. Some help then would've been nice, but it was all on me. I finally grew up and got away from all that, but there will always be a scar. I somehow managed to become a productive adult, who still to this day worries about how people think of me, but I'm productive. Anyway, enough of my personal rants for one day. My husband and I did adopt a kitten who needed a home. She is very sweet, but also she is like a personal circus that has moved into our home. In professional news, my show "Perspectives" is back in production for another 15 episodes. I could use a couple more guests if anyone has suggestions. I'm in the middle of producing and directing college basketball again this year. Anyway, I hope things are going well with all of you. Hopefully some good things are coming. Thanks for reading my rants too. #Bullying #Basketball #PerspectivesWithSamJones #SchoolShooting #MarshallCountyHighSchool #PoliticalCrap

  • Merry Christmas!

    I've been in charge of the office the past few days since I didn't start my winter break early like most did. There have been some emergencies that I've taken care of this week. Hopefully today won't have any. I got contact lenses this week. I wore them ages ago, then stopped wearing them and glasses since I'm slightly nearsighted. I'm slightly nearsighted, and I'm starting to have a little trouble reading up close. I started wearing glasses again last year, and really didn't like it. Didn't like the feel, or how they looked. I don't look good in glasses. So, I got bifocal contacts, and I like them. Anyway, you probably aren't here to read about my eyes. Last week, I promised to post a piece that I have been working on for several weeks. My boss and I shot it. I then produced, directed, and edited the piece. It aired last week, so I can finally share it. It's called, "The Gifted." I also did a second piece for the same show, called "The Calling." I produced, shot, directed, and edited the piece. I hope you enjoy these. There are rumors of some really neat segments coming up next year. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! #TheGifted #SistemaTulsa #LeviDavenport #PerspectivesWithSamJones #Christmas #ContactLenses #TheCalling #WoodenCars #YoungPianoPlayer

  • Falling Down the Stairs is Exercise!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I spent most of last week sick with a cold. It hit me Tuesday on my way to work, and I went downhill pretty quick after I got to work and wound up going back home. It was quite an unpleasant experience, and I'm still not 100% even a week and a half later. This week, while still tired from being sick, I fell down the stairs. I wasn't hurt, just embarrassed. I was also amused, because the health app on my watch counted falling down the stairs as three minutes of exercise. I'm not sure how five seconds of tumbling turned into three minutes, but I guess I'll take it. I worked on another piece that might have a shot at an Emmy next year. Fingers crossed. Once it airs, then I should be able to post a link. I just realized, I'm a nobody until William Shatner starts a Twitter fight with me. Not that I want to fight with him on Twitter though, he's pretty tough. Anyway, hopefully everyone is staying healthy. I have a lot of friends with the "stomach thing" that's going around. I most certainly don't want that!

  • Thanksgiving

    I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving. This will be the second year in my adult life that I won't be working on Thanksgiving. I guess I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for Jason. He's a great husband and a great friend. I'm thankful for you guys too! I have lots going on at work, and not a lot of downtime outside of work since I have the never ending home improvement project happening. Hopefully soon, there will be more productive blog posts to come!

  • Changing Me.

    I'm once again making an effort to try and be a bit healthier. I saw a recent photo of me, and I was not pleased. I've never been a beautiful person in my life, so getting even more unattractive is not an option. I've already been doing lunch time workouts for a while, but they aren't doing me much good. So, time to work a bit harder. In other news, a lot of you know that I try to be a PC gamer. There just isn't time for a lot of that. I get an hour here and an hour there. I am currently getting caught up on "Starcraft II, Legacy of the Void" from 2015. I didn't have time to play it when it came out. I enjoyed the other two games that are part of the series, so I decided it was well past time for me to buy it. Blowing stuff up in space is pretty fun. Tomorrow is Halloween. I won't be out trick-or-treating. I do have to work. I can't wear a great costume since I have shows to work on tomorrow, but I've got something to wear that won't hinder me. Speaking of shows, I do have a few more guests booked for the new year for "Perspectives." Above, is one of my guests from last week's show. She has been literally out begging for money for Oklahoma's teachers. Oklahoma does not invest much in education, and it is sad that people like her have to resort to "Begging for Education." Anyway, thanks for stopping by the blog. See you next update. #StarcraftII #Perspectives #PerspectivesWithSamJones #BeggingforEducation #Halloween #Unattractive #Workout

  • Our First Anniversary! Not To Mention, My Second Blog Post Here.

    On a personal note with this blog, my first wedding anniversary was Sunday. Jason is a good man, and I'm glad that we reconnected as friends, and allowed a good relationship to form. It's too bad that we didn't get together in high school, but we both had other things and other relationships in those days, and we were just good friends for years. In the end, things probably worked out for the best. On a more professional note, I'm booking guests for the new year on "Perspectives." If you have a suggestion for a guest, let me know. Here is an example of a segment we did a couple weeks ago for the show: Oh, and I'm quite excited on another level. Looks like I'll be going to another "Weird Al" Yankovic concert next April. Even more awesome after "Another One Rides The Bus" made an appearance on "The Walking Dead" Sunday night. As my friends will tell you, I'm a huge "Weird Al" Yankovic fan. In case you haven't picked up on that. "Weird Al," Rush (the band), and Ghost are my favorite three musical acts. #Anniversary #WeirdAlYankovic #TheWalkingDead #Perspectives #PerspectivesWithSamJones

  • New Website!

    I now have a brand new website. The look, feel, and address have changed. I decided to start over. On this blog, I will do my best to stay out of politics and other people's business, and just keep it about what's going on with me. The site is still new, it just launched today. Give me feedback if you notice something out of sorts.


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Tulsa, OK, United States


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